Top Engineering Schools in Vermont

Short for Vermont, VT is a state located in United States of America. On this site, we offer detailed profile of top engineering schools in the state of Vermont. Please follow the links below to find admissions information of each college of engineering in Vermont or see brief enrollment information on the following table.

Engineering schools in Vermont offer a variety of programs to students interested in pursuing a career in engineering. Many of these schools are accredited and offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees in a variety of disciplines, including civil, electrical, and mechanical engineering. In addition to traditional classroom instruction, many schools also offer online courses and programs.

The University of Vermont is the largest public university in the state and has an extensive College of Engineering & Mathematical Sciences (CEMS). CEMS offers undergraduate degrees in computer engineering, electrical engineering, environmental engineering, mechanical engineering, and materials science & engineering. Graduate degrees include master’s and doctorates with concentrations such as energy systems engineering, industrial ecology, nanotechnology, robotics & autonomous systems, systems design & innovation.

Vermont Technical College is the only college in the state offering ABET-accredited bachelor’s degrees in mechanical and electrical/computer engineering technology. It also offers associate degrees with concentrations such as process control technology and industrial automation technology.

In addition to these two institutions there are several other universities that provide excellent educational opportunities for aspiring engineers pursuing higher education. These include Norwich University’s Bachelor of Science program with concentrations such as aerospace engineering; Saint Michael’s College offers both undergraduate and master’s programs focusing on civil/environmental/structural engineering; Middlebury College provides an interdisciplinary concentration in energy studies; Marlboro College has established a program focused on sustainable energy practices; Champlain College offers a bachelor’s degree program focusing on computer security; Castleton University provides a degree program focused on manufacturing processes; Johnson State College provides an interdisciplinary degree program focused on renewable energy technologies; Lyndon State College offers an innovative degree program that integrates both computer science and electrical/computer engineering principles into its curriculum; Southern Vermont College has developed an interdisciplinary degree program focused on sustainability studies that includes courses from multiple disciplines including civil/environmental/structural engineering principles.

University of Vermont College of Engineering and Mathematics Sciences

University of Vermont College of Engineering and Mathematics Sciences

2022-2023 Enrollment Burlington, VT 05405
Total graduate engineering enrollment 128
Master’s degree full-time 29
Master’s degree part-time 30
Ph.D. full-time 31
Ph.D. part-time 38
2019 Graduates
Total graduates 30
Total number of master’s graduates 20
Percent international master’s graduates 20.0%
Percent minority master’s graduates 0.0%
Percent female master’s graduates 10.0%
Total number of Ph.D. graduates 10
Percent international Ph.D. graduates 40.0%
Percent minority Ph.D. graduates 0.0%
Percent female Ph.D. graduates 50.0%
Program Offerings
Programs/courses offered biomedical, civil, computer science, electrical, materials, mechanical

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